Big Changes Coming To The McDonalds Menu

mcdonalds-secret-menu-monster-macThe McDonald’s Menu

The McDonalds menu is rip for a big change very soon. Yes sir, and getting back to the basics is what this is all about. Burgers and more of what America wants, fast food plain and simple. This comes on the heals of revenue earning down of late at the Golden Arches. Those of us who support McDonalds, love the great taste and will continue to support McDonalds. After all it is pretty simple that the other fast food restaurants lag behind the great taste of McDonalds. There have been a few pleasant additions and trial runs for items like Mozzarella cheese sticks, and other specialty items, but at the end of the day items like the Big Mac is what drives customers coming back to McDonalds and their wonderful menu.

With Happy Meal being the number one meals of kids everywhere, the rest should be quite simple. The best tasting fries, and all you need is some explosive tasting burgers to tantalize any mouth, each mouth watering bite after bite.

The McDonalds Application

I would love to take a moment and mention something that I get asked quite often through my message board, and it pertains to the McDonalds application and applications for employment to be a McDonalds crew member. Many times the majority of the questions comes right about this time, which is the Summer time and the time of employment for Summer time part-time jobs, mostly sought after by teens.

Well, I can tell you this. The McDonalds application is one of the easiest applications for a part-time job to fill out. You can do this one of two ways. The most conventional way which is just walking up to a store and asking for a paper application, and possibly an interview with a manager. The other way is to fill out the McDonalds online job application and submit this application via the Internet. I will add this to those interested. Whether you use the online job application or the paper McDonalds application, you should always follow up with a visit to your local store, check up on the process, and also see if you can land a part-time job right then and there. Please take note, you do not want to try this during any of the rush hour times for lunch or dinner, this is going to be a failure, as the manager will not be able to tend to you or address any questions you may have. Wishing you the best of luck in your job search. Please do not hesitate to drop me a line via the comment section and I will return the comment, or questions as soon as possible.

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